Person-centred wound care. Who is in charge of the wound?


Georgina Gethin discusses with the podcast host, Julie Jordan O’Brien, what person-centred care is and why it is so important in wound management. By listening to this episode, you can learn more about the benefits of shared decision-making between the patient and clinicians in wound management and get some practical support in implementing it.

Important notes from episode 03 – Person-centred Wound Care:

Georgina Gethin explains how to understand person-centred care:

Person-centred care implies talking about and trying to put into action an approach to our management that puts the patient at the centre of everything we do, whether it is in terms of the planning of our services or the planning of a treatment regimen.

Person-centred care entails a partnership approach between clinicians and patients. Many patients are interested in being a part of the wound management team and being seen, as an expert because they live with the wound every day.

Podcast host

Julie Jordan O’Brien

Speaker: Georgina Gethin

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